Real Property Management Instant Equity – Southwest Michigan

7 Ways to Keep Your Southwest Michigan Residents Happy

Happy residents lead to happy owners. Why? Because happy residents pay rent on time. They let you know when something isn’t working, and they’re more likely to renew their lease agreements and not leave you with vacancy and turnover costs.

When you rent out a property in Southwest Michigan, you have to do so with a customer service mentality. Your tenants are your customers; they’re paying rent in exchange for a home. Make sure you’re providing a great rental experience. It will be better for your residents, for you, and for your property.

Today, we’re sharing seven easy things you can do to make sure your residents are happy with you and their home.

1. Provide a Great Move-In Experience

Moving is stressful, even for tenants who have done it a lot. Do what you can to make the process of moving into your property less overwhelming. For example, if you provide a tutorial on how the functions of the home work, your new residents will understand how to set the thermostat and where to find the breaker box and what to do when it’s time to change the air filters. Leave instructions and information and let them know how to get in touch if they have questions or problems.

2. Offer a Welcome Gift

Presents make people happy, not because they’re material objects, but because they represent appreciation and kindness. A welcome basket with a small gift will go a long way towards your tenant’s happiness. It doesn’t have to be at move-in; you can send a gift card or a personal note after six straight months of on-time rental payments. Show your residents that you value them and appreciate that they pay rent on time.

3. Rent Should be Easy to Pay

Most tenants like to pay for things digitally these days. It’s hard to keep tenants happy when they have to mail in a paper check and hunt down an envelope and a stamp every month. Online rental payments are a great idea, and so are instant transfers between banking apps and other payment platforms.

4. Respond Quickly to Maintenance Issues

Maintenance issues need to be addressed quickly and completely. Prompt responses will calm anxious residents and protect the condition of your investment. Fixing issues when they are first identified can ensure small issues don’t turn into bigger, more costly issues. You also establish trust when you respond to your resident’s repair requests right away.

5. Keep the Lines of Communication Open

Your residents need to know how to get in touch, so make sure they have all your contact information. Don’t ignore phone calls and messages. When you’re responsive, available, and accessible, your residents are happy.

6. Respect Their Privacy and Space

You don’t want to be that landlord who shows up every month asking to take a look around. Leave your tenants alone to enjoy the privacy and quiet of their home. While conducting an inspection during the course of the tenancy is reasonable, schedule it well in advance. Don’t be a source of dread for your residents.

7. Be Reasonable with Rental Increases

When you have a tenant who is performing well and paying rent and taking care of the home, you want to keep that tenant. Most tenants expect a modest increase when the lease renews, but don’t go crazy. Raising the rent 10 or 15 percent is a good way to turn a happy tenant into an unhappy tenant.

These are seven easy ways to ensure you and your residents have a productive and happy rental experience. For more advice, please contact us at Real Property Management Southwest Michigan.